Coach Development
Nordiq Canada and its divisions are partnering with the Coaching Association of Canada to offer the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), a coach education and certification program offered in 65 sports. The program is administered through a database called The Locker. Coaches use The Locker to track their progress and guide their development.
NCCP eLearning and Workshop Materials
Nordiq Canada and Divisions share the responsibility for offering NCCP training and evaluation. Divisions are responsible for delivering most of the training. Contact your Division to know what training is available in your province or territory. You will access some courses in the Locker and others directly through your Division. The following information is offered as an overview.
Division organizers are invited to access NCCP partners’ resources (protected area).
Contents, Training and Certification
Coaching development is offered in “contexts.” Contexts are levels of coach training and certification that are associated with a stage of the Long-Term Athlete Development model.
Within each context, the NCCP model defines coaching status as:
- In training when some of the required training has been completed.
- Trained when all required training is complete. In addition to attending workshops, coaches are required to meet some practical stage-specific requirements.
Certified when all training and evaluation requirements have been satisfied. Certified coaches must accumulate professional development points to maintain certification.
Coach Development Progression
0-6 | Active Start (AS) | Community Coaching Introdution (ICC)
Community Coaching Introduction training is completed in two steps, taken in order.
Coach Initiation in Sport: This one-hour online multisport course is delivered by the Coaching Association of Canada in the Locker .
Introduction to Community Coaching: Also delivered in the Locker , this four-hour online course teaches parents and entry-level coaches how to safely deliver skill development sessions to children in the Active Start stage of development (Bunnyrabbits). Topics include:
- ethics in sport
- coach responsibilities
- setting up an effective ski playground
- using terrain to teach technique
- ski equipment and clothing needs for children
After completing these courses, coaches have the status “Community Coaching in Trainining.” Coaches can now move to Community Coaching (CC) or Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T).
6-9 M | 6-8 F | FUNdamentals (FUN) | Community Coaching (CC)
Community Coaching builds on Community Coaching Introduction. There are two steps.
Community Coaching: This 13-hour in-class and on-snow workshop is delivered by your Division . The course teaches coaches how to lead a skill development program to children in the FUNdamentals stage of development (Jackrabbits). Coaches also learn how to:
- teach basic cross-country skiing skills (classic and skate)
- design a seasonal plan
- select equipment and prepare skis for participants of this age
After completing this course, coaches have the status “Community Coaching Trained.” Coaches can proceed to Evaluation, or to Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T).
Evaluation: To become Community Coaching Certified, you will complete the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation and complete the NCCP Community Coaching Experience Form, available in the Document Centre.
Supplementary | Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI) PARA
Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI) AWAD trains coaches to support para-nordic skiers, or “Athletes with a Disability” who are:
- 9-16 years (males), or
- 8-15 years (females), or
- 5-7 years post disability
Coaches learn to create a fun, team-oriented environment and motivate para-nordic athletes in the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages to achieve their goals, improve technical skills and develop a lifelong interest in the health and fitness benefits of cross-country skiing.
To become CCI-AWAD trained, coaches must be Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T) trained and complete the following steps:
Dryland workshop: This in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- designingseasonal and yearly training plans
- athlete assessment
- medical and physiological considerations
- organizing training camps
- equipment maintenance
Successful completion of the Community Coach (CC) AWAD workshop is a prerequisite.
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “CCI-AWAD Coach in Training.”
On snow workshop: This in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- teachingtechnique
- leading a para-nordic team
- athlete classification
- ski preparation and equipment
- para-nordic event
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “CCI-AWAD Coach Trained.”
Practical experience: The requirements are the same as for the CCI-L2T “mainstream” context but must be achieved while coaching para-nordic athletes. Complete the NCCP Community Coaching Experience Form, availble in the Document Centre.
Certification: Evaluation is the same as for the CCI-L2T “mainstream” context except that sport-specific evaluations must be done with or related to para-nordic athletes. Complete NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation and look for the following evaluation criteria and forms in the Document Centre:
- Designing a Practice Plan for L2T Athletes
- Designing a Seasonal Training Plan for L2T Athletes
- Delivering an On-snow Practice Session with L2T Athletes
You will only submit one practice plan, which should be used for the on-snow practice evaluation.
9-12 M | 8-11 F | Learning to Train (L2T) | Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T)
In Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T) coaches develop skills to deliver a well-rounded program for athletes aged 9-12 years old. The emphasis is on skill development within a fun, team-oriented environment that develops a passion for the lifelong health and fitness benefits of cross-country skiing.
Coaches complete the following steps.
Dryland workshop: This 19-hour in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- developmental age
- physical literacy
- team building
- aerobic fitness, speed, nutrition
- how to design their own sport program,
- adventure-based activities
- roller-skiing
- planning a practice
Community Coaching trained is a pre-requisite.
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “CCI-L2T Coach in Training” and can continue within this contect or start Competition-Introduction Advanced.
On snow workshop: This 16.5-hour in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- team management
- supporting athletes at a competition
- equipment selection
- ski preparation
- how to effectively teach intermediate-level ski technique.
CCI (L2T) dryland workshop is a prerequisite.
Practical experience: Coaches compete 40 hours of practical coaching, organize and lead a camp, and lead a team at a regional competition.
Coaches who complete this step will be CCI-L2T Trained.
Evaluation: Complete NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation and look for the following evaluation criteria and forms in the Document Centre:
- Designing a Practice Plan for L2T Athletes
- Designing a Seasonal Training Plan for L2T Athletes
- Delivering an On-snow Practice Session with L2T Athletes
You will only submit one practice plan, which should be used for the on-snow practice evaluation.
Coaches who complete this step will be CCI-L2T Certified.
Supplementary | Competition Coaching Development (CCD) PARA
Competition Coaching Development (CCD) AWAD trains coaches to support para-nordic skiers, or “Athletes with a Disability” who are at the Learning to Complete (L2C) stage of development and are:
- 16-20 years (males), or
- 15-19 years (females), or
- about 7 years post disability
Coaches entering this context are CCD (L2C) trained. There are two components.
Workshop: This workshop trains para-nordic coaches to design seasonal and yearly training plans, coach biathlon and design and supervise strength training, all for para-nordic athletes.
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “Trained CCD-PN Coach.”
Practical experience: The requirements are the same as for the CCD-L2C but have to be achieved coaching para-nordic athletes. The CCD-L2C Expecience Form is in the Document Centre.
Certification: The evaluation process is the same as for the CCD-L2C context except that all sport specific evaluations must be done with or related to para-nordic athletes.
Look for the following documents in the Document Centre:
- CCD-L2C Certification Checklist
- CCD-L2C Evaluation Guidebook
12-16 M | 11-15 F | Training to Train (T2T) | Competion Coaching Introduction Advanced (CCI-Advanced – T2T)
In Competition Coaching Introduction Avanced (CCI-advanced – T2T) coaches develop skills to teach 12-16-year-olds how to build aerobic base, speed and strength and further develop sport-specific skills. Coaches learn to design and deliver an annual program that considers optimal trainability and the athlete’s readiness. This program is still under development and is available as a pilot course only.
There are two steps.
Dryland workshop: This 18.5-hour in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- growth and maturation
- energy systems
- training intensities
- monitoring and recovery
- strength, speed, flexibility
- exercise performance and health
- roller-skiing and other dryland techniques
CCI (L2T) Coach Trained is a pre-requisite.
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “CCI-T2T Coach in Training.”
On snow workshop: This 17.5-hour workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- developing a team competition plan
- preparing for and supporting athletes at a competition
- teaching basic mental skills
- refining ski techniques
- testing and preparing skis
CCI-Advanced (T2T) dryland workshop is a prerequisite.
After completing this workshop, coaches have the status “CCI-L2T Coach Trained.”
Certification: Look for the following evaluation criteria and forms in the Document Centre:
- T2T Experience Form
- T2T Certification Checklist
- Delivering a Roller Ski Practice Session with T2T Athletes
- Analyzing Ski Technique of T2T Athletes
- Supporting T2T Athletes at a Competition
- Designing a Yearly Training Plan for T2T Athletes
- Managing a Program for T2T Athletes
16-20+/- M | 15-19 +/- F | Learning to Compete (L2C) | Competition Coaching Development (CCD)
The Competition Coaching Development (CCD) context is for coaches working with athletes in the Learning to Compete (L2C) stage of development (about 16-20 years for males and 15-19 years for females). There are three components.
Multi-sport modules: The following modules are delivered online by the Coaching Association of Canada, or by provincial multisports organizations, or as part of the Advanced Coaching Diploma. For more information please contact your Division.
- Leading Drug Free Sport (3.5 hrs)
- Managing Conflict (4.5 hrs)
- Coaching and Leading Effectively (10 hrs)
- Psychology of Performance (7 hrs)
After completing these modules, coaches have the status “CCD (L2C) Coach in Training.”
Sport specific training: Workshops are delivered by your Division.
- Dryland workshop (5 days)
- On-Snow workshop (4 days)
- Coaching Experience (practical coaching experience working with athletes in the L2C stage of development)
After completing these modules, coaches have the status “CCD (L2C) Trained.”
Online evaluations: These evaluations are completed in the Locker.
- Leading Drug Free Sport
- Managing Conflict
- Making ethical decisions
Certification: To become certified, look for the following documents in the Document Centre:
- CCD-L2C Experience Form
- CCD-L2C Certification Checklist
- CCD-L2C Evaluation Guidebook
20-23 +/- M | 19-23 +/- F | Training to Compete (T2C) | Competition Coaching Development – Advanced Gradation (CDAG)
Competition Coaching Advanced Gradation (CDAG) is for coaches working with athletes at the Training to Compete (T2C) stage of development:
- 16-23 years (males)
- 15-23 years (females)
There are two steps.
23 +/- M | 23 +/- F | Training to Win (T2W) | Competition Coaching High Performance (CCHP)
The Competiting Coaching High Performance (CCHP) context is for coaches working with athletes at the Training to Complete (T2C) and Training to Win (T2W) stages of development as part of the National Ski Team:
- about 20 years (males)
- about 19 years (females)
Stay tuned! The context is not yet developed.
High-Performance Coaching Experience, Seminars and Grants
Nordiq Canada offers developing coaches a variety of practical training opportunities, coaching seminars and training grants to supplement what is offered by Divisions. Watch Nordiq Canada communications for advertised opportunities.