Nordiq Canada Event Sanction
As the sport governing body for cross-country skiing, including Para nordic and roller skiing, Nordiq Canada is responsible for providing direction so that Canadian cross-country ski competitions at all levels are scheduled, organized, and officiated to an approved and consistent standard.
In addition, Nordiq Canada has specific responsibility for the scheduling and conduct of nationally sanctioned competitions that will provide high quality domestic and international competition experiences to further develop Canadian ski racers.
How To Sanction an Event?
Event sanctioning can be done through the Officials Hub.
Which Events Need to Be Sanctioned?
All Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 events need to be sanctioned by Nordiq Canada. Sanctioning is the mechanism through which Nordiq Canada discharges several competition-related responsibilities to ensure that:
- an approved standard of competition is provided regarding issues such as competition organization, rules, and safety;
- competition organizers and designated participants are protected by third-party general liability and directors and officers insurance;
- competition results are recognized within Nordiq Canada’s high performance and athlete development systems through the Canada Points List; and
- the competition is formally integrated into the Nordiq Canada calendar, and the information is distributed to the national skiing community.
Nordiq Canada Event Tiers
Tier 1 Event
An event that is multi-divisional or national and primarily for the U20 and Open categories in the Learning to Compete-1 (L2C) to Train to Win (T2W) development stages. Designated racers earn FIS and CPL points. Tier 1 events are FIS and Nordiq Canada sanctioned.
Tier 1 Event Examples
- Nordiq Canada Selection Trials
- Nordiq Canada ski Nationals
- Nordiq Cup (COC)
- Canada Cup
- Para Nordic Continental Cup (COC)
Tier 2 Event
An event that is Divisional and primarily for the Train to Train (T2T) to Learn to Compete 2 (L2C-2) development stages. Designated racers earn points from the Canada Points List. Tier 2 events are Nordiq Canada and Division sanctioned.
Tier 2 Event Examples
- Canada Winter Games
- Provincial/Divisional Rollerski
- National Rollerski
- Provincial/Divisional Cup
Tier 3 Event
A competition or event that is neither Tier 1 nor Tier 2, is open to racers or participants who are not members of the host club, and for which more than $5 per participant is collected. Tier 3 events may be primarily for the Fundamentals to T2T/L2C1 development stages, inter-club events, or participation-focused community or popular events. A Tier 3 event is sanctioned by the Division. No CPL points are awarded for this level of race however, certain designated races will award Masters Ranking List Points. ALL participants in a Tier 3 event MUST purchase a Tier 3 event license.
Tier 3 Event Examples
- Open Club Event
- Youth Championships
- Provincial/Divisional Winter Games
- Loppet
- Arctic Winter Games
- Regional Cup
- Regional Event
- Regional Loppet
- Regional Race
- Regional Rollerski
- Special Olympics