Divisions Update

A Life in Sport for Women and Girls, A Nordiq Canada Chat
March 09, 2023
Nordiq Canada is pleased to invite you to our event “A life in sport for women and girls” – which will bring together women and girls from across Canada to connect with, learn from, and inspire one another to stay involved in sport for life.
- Cendrine Browne, 2X Olympian, National Ski Team alumni athlete, Ski de fond Quebec Athlete Coordinator
- Katie Weaver, 2023 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships team, Nordiq Canada Athlete Rep
- Olivia Bouffard-Nesbitt, 2022 Olympian, 2023 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships team, Ski Coach
- Natalie Wilkie, 2x Paralympian, National Ski Team Athlete, 7x Paralympic Medalist
- Amelia Wells, U23 FIS Nordic Junior World Championships team, post-secondary student
- Leslie Bode, NTDC coach and wax tech,
- Liz Inkila, XCSO Executive Director, Level 3 official
- Morgan Rogers, Nordiq Canada Board Member, Psychology in Sport Professor UofC, Coach
- Sophie Carrier-Laforte, Coach
Learn about:
- What does a Life in Sport in cross-country skiing look like?
- What are the opportunities and benefits?
- What skills can you achieve?
- Your value to the sport and community and why it’s so important.
Date: Monday, March 13
Time: 5:00-6:00pm EDT / 3:00 – 4:00 MST
Location: Magnus Theatre, 10 Algoma Street S, Thunder Bay, or Zoom
Zoom Invite: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83846493249
Meeting ID: 838 4649 3249
No registration is Required.
Nordiq Canada is proud to provide Positive Space for this event.
For more information email Nathaniel Mah () or Morgan Rogers ()