Nordiq Canada News

Athlete Directors: Notice of Election and Call for Candidates

March 13, 2025

About the Positions

The Athlete Directors (sometimes referred to as “Athlete Reps”) are full voting members on Nordiq Canada’s Board of Directors, and represent the perspectives of Nordiq Canada’s race license holder athletes in decision making at the Board level. They are crucial to ensuring the athlete’s voice is heard, and to Nordiq Canada’s success as an organization.


Nordiq Canada has three Athlete Director positions. Two positions are up for election this year.

  1. Male Athlete Director (Can be an able-bodied or para athlete) The current male Athlete Director is Julian Smith.
  2. Para Athlete Director (Para athlete of any gender)

This is the first year that we will elect a Para Athlete Director.

The two positions are both 2-Year terms, expiring at the Athlete’s Meeting at Canadian National Championships in 2027. Athlete Directors are eligible to serve up to 3 consecutive terms.

The third Athlete Director is the Female Athlete director, who can be either an able-bodied or para athlete, The current female Athlete Director is Katie Weaver. Katie was re-elected in 2024 to serve a two year term ending in 2026.


Who is Eligible

To run for these positions (as per the Nordiq Canada by-laws), you must:

  • MALE ATHLETE DIRECTOR: be, or have been at some point during the prior eight years, an active Canadian cross-country ski racer and license member at the national or international level. This athlete may be an able-bodied or para athlete
  • PARA ATHLETE DIRECTOR (any gender): be, or have been at some point during the prior twelve (12) years, an active Canadian cross-country ski racer and License Member at the national or international level. This athlete must be a para athlete.
  • Both directors must also fulfill these requirements from the Nordiq Canada By-laws:
    • is eighteen years of age or older;
    • has the power under law to contract (in short, this means that the person or entity is legally capable of entering into and being bound by a contract)
    • is not declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country;
    • does not have the status of bankrupt;
    • is not considered ineligible to serve as a director of a registered charity under the Income Tax Act; and
    • is not part of the staff of the Corporation or a Division Member or a director of a Division Member


 The Election Process

  • Candidates are required to declare their Intention to Run in advance and submit written materials for their “Pitch” by the deadline outlined below.
  • Candidates will also be introduced and answer questions from fellow athletes at a
  • National Athlete Meeting on March 20th (time will likely be 3 pm mt) at the Canmore Nordic Centre in conjunction with the 2025 Nordiq Canada Ski Nationals. This meeting will also be on Zoom. Details will be sent to all race license holders.
  • The election will take place on an online voting platform called ElectionBuddy. The “pitches” will be posted on the ElectionBuddy site (and on a separate website so that people can see the profiles before logging into theElectionBuddy system).
  • Race license holders from the 2024-2025 season will receive an email from ElectionBuddy with a link to candidate information and the voting process. ● All 2024-2025 race license holders are eligible to vote for both positions.


Application Process for Candidates

Interested candidates must fully complete this form

(  by 11:59 pm PT on March 17, 2025 to notify Nordiq Canada that you intend to run for one of the positions. This form includes candidate information, eligibility declarations as well as candidate information that will be posted prior to the election to inform voters about the relevant skills/experience you bring to the table and why you think you are the right athlete for the position .  


Key Dates

March 5, 2025 Notice of Election posted
March 6, 2025 Email send to Race License Holders regarding the application process and the election
March 6-17 Application window
Mar 17 Deadline to complete candidate form
Mar 20 National Athlete Meeting (The meeting will be an opportunity to bring feedback and questions to the current Athlete Directors and discuss issues with fellow athletes. Athlete Director candidates will be introduced during the meeting and will have the chance to take questions from fellow athletes.)
March 21 -30 Voting Period
April 2, 2025 Results Announced




About the role

Focus on Governance

  • The Nordiq Canada Board is a governance focused Board. Nordiq Canada employs a form of governance that separates governance from day-to-day operations. The Board sets long-term strategic direction for Nordiq Canada and then monitors the ongoing performance of the organization in achieving that direction on behalf of the Voting Members (the Divisions and the race license holders). Through the Ends (otherwise known as goals) the Board establishes the desired long-term results for the organization. The management team – led by the CEO – then uses that direction to establish the strategic plan and annual business plans.The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day operations in accordance with Board policies and within any limitations imposed by the Board. While the Board is accountable for all of Nordiq Canada’s activity, it delegates to the CEO the responsibility for carrying out the actual work of the association, empowering the CEO to execute the “how” of achieving the organization’s goals to the maximum extent that is consistent with maintaining the Board’s accountability.
  • The Board develops and implements the Board Policy Manual which comprises the long term goals for the organization, any limitations that the CEO must consider and the procedures for the operation of the Board.
  • The Board acts as a unit, not individually. The Board Committees assist in executing the responsibilities of the Board and advising the Board, however all decisions are taken as a group.
  • The Board has committees or task forces of the Board to support it in its role. Athlete Directors are also members of approximately 2 Board committees at Nordiq Canada, based on availability and committee requirements. Board committees currently include:
    • Finance,Audit, and Risk Management
    • Governance
    • HR
    • Nordiq Canada Development Fund
    • Safeguarding Committee

Note that these are Board specific Committees that advise the Board and their mandate. These committees do not advise any operational areas, which are under the jurisdiction of the Nordiq Canada CEO.


Operational Input through the Athlete Advisory Committee

The Athlete Directors are Co-Chairs of the Athlete Advisory Committee, which brings together athlete reps from across the country to discuss issues and advise the Nordiq Canada CEO as well as advise the Nordiq Canada Board. The Athlete Advisory Committee is unique in that it provides both operational and governance feedback to the CEO and the Board respectively.

This committee meets approximately 6 times per year.


Time Commitment

  • The Nordiq Canada Board meets monthly for regular meetings (currently the second Monday of each month), and occasionally for other special meetings. All Board members are expected to prepare for and attend all meetings, as well as Nordiq Canada’s AGM. The first Board meeting for the new Athlete Director will be in April 2025.
  • The Board also meets in person 1-2 times per year including the AGM which involves 2-3 days of meetings
  • All Board members also participate in a variety of Board educational activities throughout the year. The first education activity will be a governance education course for all new Board members which takes about 8 hours in total. All Board members are also required to take some Safe Sport training. These educational opportunities help to make the board more efficient and effective and are valuable personal development opportunities.
  • Board committees meet 4-8 times per year.
  • The Athlete Advisory Committee meets approximately 6 times per year.


Potential Athlete Director should familiarize themselves with Nordiq Canada’s



Benefits of Being an Athlete Director – by Katie Weaver

Written by Katie Weaver

Through my experience in being the Female Athlete Director I’ve gained skills that have helped me develop as a person. I’ve gained: 


  • Better critical thinking, open mindedness, and communication skills through working with the board. I’ve learned to communicate the voices and best interests of the athletes while keeping in mind the current barriers and constraints of the organization.
  • Improved leadership, organization and initiative in chairing the Athlete Advisory Committee.
  • The ability to take on special projects as an opportunity to contribute to meaningful change on topics I care about with my involvement with sub-committees.
  • My ability to see things through a big picture lens and address them with detail oriented actions has improved because of this role.
  • My interactions with senior board members has created mentorship relationships and opened up opportunities for greater personal development beyond this role.
  • Sense of pride knowing that I’m representing the athletes and voicing their perspective to the best of my abilities.


These skills and opportunities will help me when I move on from ski racing. These same skills that you will gain in this position will show prospective employers and admissions committees that you are committed to leadership and growth beyond the competitive aspects of skiing, that you truly care about the community that you’re a part of. This position shows that you want to be a part of the positive culture, growth and accountability of Nordiq Canada to its members.