COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Protocol – Updated May 6
As provinces and territories announce reopening plans, we want to remind you to follow restrictions and recommendations published by your local public health authority, the Government of Canada and other authorities that apply in your jurisdiction.
Nordiq Canada’s Coronavirus Protocol has been updated to include Update #15 from the Sport Medicine Advisory Committee. Nordiq Canada continues to develop scenarios of what next year might look like and the tools clubs may need. #strongertogether
The situation respecting the current pandemic continues to change quickly as it affects the activities of Nordiq Canada National, Divisions, clubs and members. It is expected that updated restrictions and recommendations published by your local public health authority, the Government of Canada and other authorities are followed.
There are a number of activities and events that were pre-approved and/or issued Certificates of Insurance before this emergency arose. Local and national public heath guidance may impact whether those pre-approvals and certificates remain valid.
Many clubs are considering how to tailor training to at-home or other environments. Our insurers remind you to:
- Use Common sense
- Tailor coaching/expert guidance to age and ability
- Keep a record or training log – both athlete and coach/trainer
- Do not do or recommend what you would not do under normal circumstances
- Stay within the coach/trainer skill level as well as the ability level of the group you are advising
- Obey and follow all local, provincial and federal rules, regulations and guidelines
- Exercise extreme caution with use of weights or other equipment or apparatus – there is no shortcut.
- Ensure you are following the principles of safety in sport as you adapt training; For example, think about how you would apply the principles of the Rule of Two in a video-conferenced training environment
Please see this full list of requirements to be covered under our general liability policy.
Clubs and coaches, make sure you are accessing the Government of Canada’s financial and economic support programs as you need them. Several provinces, territories and municipalities have additional programs.
There will be a number of impacts to address over the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, we are here to answer your questions as best we can. Nordiq Canada staff is working from home and is best reached by direct email: https://nordiqcanada.ca/about/our-people