Notice of Election: Female Athlete Director to Nordiq Canada Board of Directors
About the Position
The Athlete Directors (sometimes referred to as “Athlete Reps”) are full voting members on Nordiq Canada’s Board of Directors. In decision making at the Board level, they represent the perspectives of athletes who have Nordiq Canada race licenses. They are crucial to ensuring the athlete’s voice is heard, and to Nordiq Canada’s success as an organization.
Nordiq Canada has two Athlete Director positions, with the requirement of gender equity between the two. The current male Athlete Director is Julian Smith. Julian was elected in 2023. This election will elect a female Athlete Director. The current female Athlete Director is Katie Weaver.
Candidates representing all athletes – Olympic stream and Para-Nordic stream – are desired.
Learn More
Interested candidates must complete the following:
- Send an email to Brennan Craig (Nordiq Canada Board Member) at by 11:59 pm PT on March 11, 2024 to notify Nordiq Canada that you intend to run for the position.
- Submit a short written “Pitch” that will be posted for athletes to read before voting. Your written pitch must be submitted to Brennan Craig at by 11:59 pm PT on March 11, 2024, and include the following:
- General Information: Your Name, Age, Club/Team, Province or Territory
- A statement (1000 words max) about relevant skills/experience you bring to the table and why you think you are the right athlete for the position.