Weekly Division Update July 22
Dear Divisions, please share this information within your offices and with your members as appropriate.
Nordiq Canada Development Fund – Now accepting applications for Funding from Divisions and Training Centers
Thanks to generous donors from the Canadian ski community this year, the Nordiq Canada Development Fund (a permanent endowment fund) has grown to $143,000. Donations earmarked for distribution in the current year, as well as earnings from the fund provide financial backing for projects that support the development of high performance junior and U23 athletes in Canada.
The NCDF Committee is calling for Divisions and Training Centres to apply for funding projects that:
1. Benefit a large number of athletes, preferably from a wide region or multiple regions
2. Focus on developing athletes to be internationally competitive
3. Are high profile and raise awareness of elite Canadian skier development
Applications are due August 11, 2022. More information and how to apply can be found below: