Divisions Update

Weekly Division Update July 4

July 05, 2024

Dear Divisions,

Please share this information within your offices and with your members as appropriate.


Weekly Division Update July 4


Table of Contents: 

  • Leslie Bode Appointed as Nordiq Canada’s New Para Nordic Development Coach
  • Lunch and Learn Sessions for Nordic Coaches


Leslie Bode Appointed as Nordiq Canada’s New Para Nordic Development Coach


Nordiq Canada is excited to announce Leslie Bode as the new Para Nordic Development Coach. Leslie brings a wealth of experience, having served as the NTDC Assistant Coach and Manager, and in various roles with Cross Country Ski Ontario, including support for Team Ontario at the Canada Games. This past season Leslie was part of the World Junior and U23 Championships team, and the World Cup team as a wax Technician.

In the new role, Leslie will support Para Nordic Development and Prospects athletes along with their divisions, clubs, and coaches. She will support the development of a National Para Nordic strategy to grow the Para Nordic capacity across Canada. Leslie will also support and lead the development and facilitation of Para Nordic NCCP coaching materials and coach development.


Lunch and Learn Sessions for Nordic Coaches
Session 3 – Continuing the Conversation together: Communities of Practice and Psychological Safety with Wade Gilbert Part 2.

July 9th , 2024, 12:00 – 12:50 MT / 2:00 – 2:50 PM EST
Join us for part 2 of creating Communities of Practice and Psychological Safety with Wade Gilbert. In this session, we will discuss tools, resources, and best practices to create a community of practice that allows individuals to become the best versions of themselves.

Prior to the meeting, we encourage you to listen to the Brene Brown “building brave Spaces” podcast as a form of ‘preflection’.


Meeting Link