Divisions Update

Weekly Division Update September 12

September 13, 2024

Dear Divisions,

Please share this information within your offices and with your members as appropriate.


Weekly Division Update September 12


Table of Contents: 

  • Draft 1 2025-26 Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) OLY, and 2025 FISU Selection Criteria
  • NCDF-Team Coatsworth Athlete Grants
  • New Officials Level 1 Workshop
  • New Course Controller Module


Draft 1 2025-26 Athlete Assistance Program (AAP) OLY, and 2025 FISU Selection Criteria
We are excited to share drafts of the following criteria:

The deadline for feedback on Draft 1 is Monday, September 16th. We encourage you to offer your input before this date, to allow time to consider all perspectives.

Draft 1 feedback will be reviewed prior to a Town Hall discussion with High Performance Director Chris Jeffries, and Sport Development Director Julie Beaulieu on September 18th 12:00pm MST/14:00 EST.

The final version will be published on the Nordiq Canada website.


Thank you, we look forward to your feedback.


NCDF-Team Coatsworth Athlete Grants – One Week Left!
The aim of the grant is to support individual elite athletes, who are in financial need, and have demonstrated potential for reaching international podiums. Athletes wishing to apply for the grant must provide the following by email to  by September 19th.


Learn More


New Officials Level 1 Workshop
The Level 1 Officials workshop is designed to train individuals in the following areas of the Officiating world:

  • Our Sport & the Role of the Official
  • Organizing a Race
  • Competition Secretariat
  • Techniques and Format
  • Courses
  • Stadium
  • Timing
  • Regulations & Conduct
  • Safesport
  • Conclusion

The cost is $25, and it takes approximately 4 hrs to complete. Participants can progress through the course at their own pace.

After successful completion of the workshop, you will be a certified Level 1 Official and be ready for Secondary Roles, Individual Administrative & Technical Roles at events.



New Officials Level 1 Workshop


New Course Controller Module
The new course controller module covers the following topics:

  • The Role of the Official
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Locations
  • Infractions
  • Turning Zones
  • Techniques Zones
  • Interacting with the Jury
  • Infraction Examples

The cost is $10 and takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete. Participants can progress through the course at their own pace.

After successful completion of the course, you will be better prepared to understand the role of a course-controller!



New Course Controller Module