Weekly Update: August 20 – 26
Town Hall Registration
Join us for the Inaugural High Performance and Events Town Hall on September 3rd, 5:00 PM MST. Follow this link to register in advance for the Town Hall webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email contacting information about joining the webinar.
Cancellation of Penticton Training Camp
Comme nous avons la santé et la sécurité de nos athlètes au sommet de nos priorités tout en respectant les mesures sanitaires du gouvernement par rapport aux défis imposés par la pandémie de COVID-19, Nordiq Canada a décidé d’annuler le stage d’entraînement à Penticton prévu du 14 au 28 septembre. Nous travaillons actuellement pour trouver une autre façon pour l’entraîneur Erik Braten de connecter avec les athlètes pendant cette période.
Event Sanctioning is Now Open
Nordiq Canada Event Sanctioning is now open for registration on zone4. Given the unpredictable nature of the upcoming 2020-21 season, refunds will be granted on a case by case basis for events cancelled due to Covid-19.New for the 2020-21 Season:
- Bulk purchase of Supporting Member Day Licenses will no longer be offered. With the help of zone4, SMDLs will be integrated into online registration for Tier 1 & Tier 2 events. Registrants who do not have a Nordiq Canada racing license will need to purchase their SMDLs at the time of registration. They will be free for anyone under the age of 14 and $5 per day for anyone 14 and older.
- All Division Sanctioned loppet competitions must complete the Nordiq Canada online sanction process to ensure Insurance coverage. In addition, these events will be provided promotional services through Nordiq Canada including online listings.