Weekly Update: July 9 – 15
Insurance Update: Certified General Liability Policy; International Travel
Nordiq Canada’s CGL policy renewed July 1. We will issue updated certificates of insurance soon.
Related to the Certified General Liability insurance policy, while some countries are relaxing COVID-19-related restrictions for Canadian visitors, international travel continues to present significant risks. Members, clubs and Divisions who wish to travel internationally must carefully research and evaluate risks and have a clear written plan in place before travel. If you are planning international travel related to your Nordiq Canada membership, please contact Nordiq Canada to review your plan.
For COVID-19 information, visit nordiqcanada.ca
Canada Winter Games 2023 update
To be eligible for Cross-Country competitions at the 2023 Canada Winter Games in PEI an athlete will have to have been born in 2003 or later.
Nordiq Canada Coach and Athlete Development Outreach Trip
East Kootenay Camp, Kimberley, BC July 11-12, 2020
Nordiq Canada’s Coach and Athlete Development Coordinator, Ilona Gyapay, attended Cross Country British Columbia’s East Kootenay training camp this past weekend, as part of Nordiq Canada outreach. Throughout June and July, CCBC hosted Provincial day camps in five locations, for BC Ski Team, BC Development Team, and BC Talent Squad athletes.
Camps were led by Chris Manhard (CCBC Provincial Head Coach) with assistance from Provincial and Club Coaches throughout BC.
The East Kootenay Camp took place in beautiful Kimberley, BC. Training objectives were focused on ski technique and volume. Over the course of 1.5 days, athletes participated in a ski bounding intensity session and two distance roller ski sessions. The schedule provided ample opportunity for quality training, paired with minor travel for participating athletes and families. Athletes went home between sessions and planned their own accommodations and transportation. This format drastically reduced camp logistics, which enabled the focus to be concentrated on achieving training objectives.
Training closer to home provides an opportunity for athletes and coaches to re-discover locally based training opportunities. Ilona was able to participate and assist in training sessions, and connect with coaches, athletes, and parents. An immediate follow up to the outreach trip will be that Nordiq Canada assists Kimberley Nordic in connecting them with a High Performance athlete to attend their September Club training camp. This highlights the desire for clubs to have access to some of Canada’s top High Performance athletes. In future, Nordiq Canada plans on enlisting High Performance Athletes to participate in Coach and Athlete Development outreach opportunities.
We look forward to receiving your outreach requests, as we continue to assess and support coaching, athlete, and club development needs and challenges across Canada.