How to Start Your Officiating Journey
Officials embody qualities like impartiality, passion for the sport, humility, and a strong work ethic. They share a special camaraderie and take immense pride in executing successful events. Canada’s 1,700+ officials are vital for cross-country skiing excellence, supporting athletes from local to international levels with safe, fair, and developmentally appropriate competitions.
Becoming a Level 1 Nordiq Canada official!
Becoming a Level 1 Nordiq Canada Official is the first step on your journey. Follow the 4 steps below to start!
Step 1: Sign up and complete the Nordiq Canada online Official Level 1 course through the CAC Locker
The NEW Official’s Level 1 workshop is housed in The Locker (coach.ca), under e-learning and cross-country skiing. Access the course using your existing NCCP #, or by creating a new account (do not create a new account if you have one for coaching).
Level 1 online training includes eight sections and will allow you to do individual tasks at races under the supervision of an experienced Chief. Take all the time you want to complete the course! Your success is our success in gaining new trained officials.
Step 2: Sign up for your annual Official’s License
To sign up for your annual Official’s License, visit the Official’s Hub and complete the registration process. This will need to be renewed yearly.
What is an Official’s License?
Nordiq Canada and provincial and territorial Divisions need to know who is officiating and what their officiating status is. The Official’s Licence also helps us collect the data we need to support officials, assess trends and develop initiatives that benefit our race and officiating system.
Who Needs an Official’s License?
You need an official’s license if you perform typical officiating duties at Nordiq Canada events, including Tier 1, 2, 3, and club events. Only certified officials that have a valid Official’s License will benefit from Nordiq Canada’s liability insurance while officiating.
Personal information is kept private and may only be used for risk management, planning and communication between the official, Nordiq Canada and the and Division. The license is renewable annually and is valid from July 1 to June 30. Registration opens on July 1st each year. You must already be a club member to sign up for an Official’s License.
Step 3: Complete your SafeSport Training and update your Official’s Profile in the Official’s Hub
To complete your SafeSport Training, access the courses using your existing NCCP #, or by creating a new account (do not create a new account if you have one for coaching).
The Rule of 2 course will be automatically updated to your profile. The CAC SafeSport training will require you to upload your certificate to your Official Hub Profile.
Update your Official’s Profile in the Official’s Hub.
Once you have completed the Officials Level 1, and Rule of Two, the certificates will automatically appear in your Officials Hub Account. You must manually upload the CAC SafeSport training certificate to your Officials Hub account.
Step 4: Congratulations you are ready to officiate!
Interested in officiating at a higher level?
Officials Resources
Visit the Document Centre to find officiating resources, such as the Officials Manual, the Nordiq Canada’s Canadian Competition Rules (ICR-CCR), and various officiating forms.