Condolences for Shelby Dickey
The entire cross country ski community is saddened by the sudden loss of Shelby Dickey. Shelby’s legacy and spirit will be kept alive by those in the ski community that had the pleasure of training with her and being coached by her. Shelby was a loyal friend and teammate, a fierce competitor, and a model student-athlete. She competed at the provincial, national, and international level as a proud member of the Highlands Trailblazers, Nipissing University, and the Ontario Ski Team.
She also represented Canada at the 2017 FISU Games in Kazakhstan. Her passion for skiing was apparent through her dedication, selflessness, and continued involvement in multiple different levels within the ski community. Shelby will be remembered for the intense sparkle in her eye before competition, infectious laughter, and legendary pre-race playlist. She was continually striving to reach her goals, make improvements, and openly shared her discoveries, struggles, and victories along the way.
Our condolences to Shelby’s family and friends at this difficult time, she will be truly missed by all.