2020-21 Competition Trip Team Selection and Synopsis

2020-21 Competition Trip Team Selection and Synopsis

AMENDMENTS: The following updates were made to this document on Dec. 23, 2020: World Cup P3 Laura Leclair (4.6.c.ii, rank 4 distance) should read ‘rank 6 sprint’. World Cup P3 ‘rank sprint 5’ was added to Cendrine Browne (4.6.c.i, rank 2 distance). World Cup P3 [Ineligible: Katie Weaver (4.6.c.ii, rank 4 sprint) – does not meet Nordiq Canada criteria 2.3 or 4.1 FIS minimum performance eligibility standards] was amended to “…does not meet Nordiq Canada criteria 2.3...
Competition Trip Criteria 2020-2021

Competition Trip Criteria 2020-2021

Nordiq Canada is pleased to announce that the 2020-21 Competition Trip Selection criteria is now posted. Please review this document for more information. Nordiq Canada’s objective for the 2020-21 competition season is to maximize Canada’s nation ranking through world cup points, while managing risk associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal is to achieve the necessary points for Canada to maintain or improve its nation rankings so as to secure quota spots...

Community Update: Domestic Competition Calendar and International Competition Plan

Dear community, I hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. It is no secret we are living in unprecendented times. While there are many unknowns, three things are clear: The pandemic is not over; case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths are rising daily COVID-19 is a serious disease with unknown long-term effects; medical research indicates organs can be permanently damaged even when symptoms are mild and individuals are young The majority of Canadians will...